MacVim, short for Multi-Appearance Text Editor, is a powerful text editor developed to allow efficient editing of text files. It's an advanced version of vi, distributed with many UNIX (or Linux) systems. MacVim has been called a "programmers' editor" and considered an entire IDE by many. Many Mac users don't have the time or inclination to edit the text manually, and this powerful editor is designed to take their work directly to the computer screen for them. But how do you get MacVim, or any other type of editing program, on your computer?
There are two ways to get MacVim onto your system. The first way is to use the MacVim software installer program. If you have installed the software already, you can simply follow the simple instructions in the installation wizard. If you haven't, the wizard will help you get everything set up on your computer. When it's done, you should see a series of dialog boxes and other information about the program. Once this is done, just double-click the MacVim icon on your desktop and it will install itself onto your computer.
There is another way to get MacVim onto your computer, and it's much simpler. You can easily download the MacVim software directly from the Internet. When you're finished downloading, the software will scan your hard drive for any MacVim files. You will be able to click on one of these files and transfer the file to your computer. This process is quite straightforward, but make sure you have enough free space on your computer. You can either burn the file directly to a CD, or copy it onto your hard drive. The choice is yours.